Home Beauty Black Skin Care How to Get Rid of Black Marks Quickly

How to Get Rid of Black Marks Quickly

This post may seem full of hype, but it isn’t. Since having children, I have struggled with my skin. I am one of those people who commits the ultimate sin of “picking” at my skin whenever I have a breakout. For this reason, I often deal with black marks that are difficult to clear up. Over the years, I have tried many home remedies and over-the-counter products, but nothing seemed to work to get rid of them. 

Now, it is true that hyperpigmentation often goes away on its own. I have personally experienced this when all else has failed. However, if you want to speed up the process, there is help.

MakeUpArtistChoice.com offers many skincare products, from chemical peels to serums. Their company makes specialized skincare affordable for those who cannot afford frequent trips to the dermatologist or spa.

Before you go to this website, I want to give you the dos and don’ts of using chemical-based products on your face.

Chemicals Make your Skin Photosensitive

You must understand that most chemicals applied to your skin will make it more susceptible to sun damage. After applying any chemical to your face, you must use Sunscreen that is at least an SPF 30 and reapply it periodically according to the instructions on the packaging.

Follow the Serum Instructions

What I like best about MakeUpArtistChoice.com is that they provide thorough instructions for any product you buy. You must follow these instructions to the letter to prevent further damage to your skin. As much as you may want to slather on too much chemical or perform chemical peels every day or other day to get rid of your hyperpigmentation quickly, this is NOT the way to go.

Each product contains specific instructions on the frequency of use. Follow them for the best results!

The Holy Grail – How to Get Rid of Dark Marks Quickly!

So, now that I have filled you in on the rules, I will tell you what worked for me.

Mandelic Acid Serum

Several studies have shown that Mandelic Acid effectively reduces the appearance of post-acne hyperpigmentation. I have found that I could get rid of dark marks very quickly using the Mandelic Acid Serum found at MakeUpArtistChoice.com.

Here’s how I apply it:

  1. Thoroughly wash and dry your face
  2. Dip a cotton swab into the serum
  3. Apply directly to the affected area
  4. Repeat this step in the morning and at night

Remember: If you do this method in the morning, you must use Sunscreen before going outside, no matter the weather. Just because you can’t see the sun doesn’t mean it doesn’t see you.

Also, when using this product, your skin will visibly peel in the affected area. DO NOT peel your skin. Allow it to come off natural.



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