HomeHealth & BeautyBeautyTeaching Your Daughter to Love Her Natural Self

Teaching Your Daughter to Love Her Natural Self


In today’s digital age, social media and influencers have become powerful forces in shaping beauty standards. Each day, our daughters are bombarded with perfectly filtered images and carefully crafted videos that can leave them feeling inadequate and striving for unattainable aesthetics. As a mother of two teenage daughters, I constantly fight against these external influences on my children’s self-esteem. In this article, we will explore ways to teach your daughter to love her natural self.

Redefine the meaning of Beauty

Dictionary.com defines beauty as “the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind.” Personal appearance is often associated with beauty; however, the concept of beauty goes beyond what one can see with the eyes.

As parents, it’s crucial for us to teach our daughters that real beauty comes from within. No amount of makeup, filters, or surgeries can mask an unkind heart. That’s why we should focus their attention on character building. True beauty lies in how a person behaves and treats others. Kindness, intelligence, and creativity are qualities that make a woman truly beautiful in her own unique way.

Emphasize self-care and healing

Educate your daughter about the significance of self-care routines. Emphasize the importance of cleanliness, nourishing meals, exercise, and sufficient sleep, as these factors can enhance our physical appearance. While we cannot alter our daughters’ natural looks, we can guide them in presenting their best selves to the world.

Instead of encouraging your daughter to rely on makeup to change her appearance, assist her in developing a skincare regimen that highlights the natural beauty of her skin. Similarly, instill in her the value of maintaining a healthy and balanced diet rather than following trends or fad diets.

Allow her to experiment

Encourage your daughter to explore various hairstyles and clothing styles. Whenever possible, avoid imposing too many of your own opinions on her personal appearance. She needs the freedom to experiment and discover a look that makes her feel confident and comfortable.

It is essential to foster an open and supportive environment where she feels comfortable expressing herself. Encourage her to embrace her uniqueness and celebrate her individuality. Let her know that her personal style reflects her identity and creativity.

By providing this space, you empower her to develop a strong sense of self and cultivate her own personal fashion sense. Remember to offer genuine compliments and positive reinforcement when you notice her confidence shining through her chosen styles. Your encouragement will nurture her self-esteem and inspire her to continue expressing her authentic self through her appearance.

When necessary – remove social media

As someone who holds reservations about social media, I may have a bias in this matter. However, if you have already made efforts to foster self-love in your daughter but feel that she is not progressing, it might be worth considering a break from social media. Sometimes, removing the temptation to compare oneself to others can provide an opportunity for her to focus on embracing and appreciating her true self.


Teaching your daughter to love her natural self is a powerful journey of self-acceptance and empowerment. By redefining beauty beyond superficial standards and emphasizing the importance of character, kindness, intelligence, and creativity, parents can instill a deep sense of self-worth. By creating a supportive environment and limiting the influence of social media, parents can help their daughters embrace their unique qualities, celebrate their natural beauty, and develop a strong and positive self-image.



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Exceptionally Black
Exceptionally Black
My name is Toni, and I am the founder of ExceptionallyBlack.com. I am a mother, wife, and Accountant. I am not a writer, but I am passionate about sharing information that will help those in the African American community. You can learn more about me by reading the "Founder's Blog".


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