Tag:Black experience

Black Stereotypes: Fact or Fiction, or Are We Living a Self-fulfilling Prophecy?

Who determines what is or is not black enough? Are we doomed to conform to personality types and characteristics of the so-called black experience?...

Wants versus Needs, A Conversation on Black Finances. Part 2

Looking Back To have a good harvest one must follow certain steps. Breaking the soil, placing the seed at the right depths. Supplying the right...

Wants versus Needs, A Conversation on Black Finances. Part 1

A Piece of the Pie A slice of the American dream seems so tantalizing. Cars, homes, and trips around the world sound like...

What’s Love Got to Do With Anything? An Examination of Black Love Part 4

It's Your Seed A deadbeat dad has just as much influence over a child as one who is present. The difference is...

What’s Love Got to Do With Anything? An Examination of Black Love Part 3

Have you seen it? Many will search far and wide for a partner that complements their personality, lifestyle, and life goals. The...

My Strong, Independent Black Mother: A Tribute

Few things are as moving and uplifting as the tale of a strong, independent Black mother who raised her kids alone. One such woman...

What’s Love Got to Do with Anything? – An Examination of Black Love Part 1

Men versus women, who will win? The black community has entered a full-blown gender war. Many black families die off, having little...

Reindeer Games. Holiday Office party politics

All the employees gather ‘round the water cooler, waiting for the clock to strike five. The receptionist goes to gather the last-minute utensils. The...

Latest news

Understanding the Tax Extension

April 15th is Tax Day in the United States. While many expecting refunds may opt for early filing, those...
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Food For Thought: How to Regain Your Self-Respect

Respect is a valuable thing. It is something that we all want and need. It is so sought after...

Investing: Understanding Mutual Funds

When I was in high school, I had a substitute teacher give my class some of the best advice...

Must read

Progress denied?

As February draws to a close, the question remains...

How to Increase Your Credit Score

A poor credit score can significantly hinder your ability...