HomeBetween the Margins with Jacquel WardStiff Finger: Who is to Blame for the Gap in Communication Between...

Stiff Finger: Who is to Blame for the Gap in Communication Between Generations?


When children are born it’s an expectation that the parents will lead. When those same children grow to adulthood, they are to lead their lives accordingly. So where and how does the communication gap begin? Young people seek to understand why their elders just don’t recognize their existence. Many elders feel disrespected that young people choose to change traditions.

The relationships between black youth and their elders have seen the respect of their generational differences dwindled. From the time of the baby boomers to the current Gen Z, young people are constantly fighting to express themselves. Rebelling from parental authority is expected as children look to carve out their place in society. Where is the common ground, is there any common ground?

As a culture, the black experience has faced many of the same afflictions across decades. Yet, still, the communication gap has widened over the years. The family structure has deteriorated and resulted in a lack of traditional upbringing. The many ways that culture is expressed have seen drastic changes. Music is more vulgar, entertainment has greatly influenced people to be more selfish in their pursuits.

The bottom line is that for a culture to exist beyond the past, there must be some adjustments to environmental and social changes. Does this mean in another hundred years we must accept murder as a good quality, no! This is an assertion that we must recognize the growth and experience of younger generations in order to fuse the wisdom and intellect of their elders.

Can we just get along

It is truly a pipe dream to believe that there will never be a conflict between elders and their youth. Without any struggle, the resolve of a nation can never be tested. Unfortunately, too many conflicts and the fabric of the culture will slowly tear apart. The passing of the torch was once a ceremonial and traditional bridge, has now been quelled. The ideas of yesterday have been seen as archaic, and have no place in the modern world.

The battle for authority in the black experience has been reduced to the political and social landscape. The effects of decades of financial strain have produced a jungle-like atmosphere. While younger generations search for a chance to build wealth beyond their lifespan, the adages good things come to those who wait; sounds like a fairy tale. In many black communities, the idea of unity is like a dandelion in a spring breeze, fleeting and weightless.

In my opinion, the perspectives that could help the black experience are being drowned out. Media, the internet, and all other forms of distractions are crippling the black communities’ ability to unify. The difference of opinion is now a reason to deem another as a part of some type of self-hate group. All generations have faced backlash from their elders for their trendy styles and language. The road ahead looks daunting and unlikely to change. Will the elders find a way to govern with dignity? Will the youth find a way to exhibit humility and reverence? Both ends of the spectrum have to recognize the responsibility they hold to the culture’s foundation.

Blame Game

Each generation shall bear the load of the one before it. Can younger generations find success if the elders never did? Can the Elders teach if the youth ignores the advice given? With no indication other than anecdotal experiences, can the black culture rise above its current status of being divided and dysfunctional?

It can be stated that the elders are failing their youth by not enforcing the traditions and being a little more open and hip to the changes in society. As the kids say “it’s not the 1980s anymore!’ While there is some truth to that, there is also the truth of nothing being new under the sun. For the elders to truly impact the youth and the future leaders of tomorrow, they must find ways to strengthen family units.

I contend that the communication gap is a product of young people wanting to be an authority. Elders were once young people looking to rule, and the current generation is eager for their chance. As the elders have now come into the age of power and governance, they tend to abuse their relationship with the youth.

For a tree to grow tall and strong its roots must be planted firmly in the ground. A fallen leaf or two will not alter the structure of full grow tree. The responsibility to move generations forward is on the elders, yet it is difficult to force a horse to drink on a full belly.


The youth must learn who to follow and who to rid from their counsel. It may be family or friends, but they are still deserving of dignity and respect. Once the youth can follow the path of elders who seek to build and not destroy, they can pick up the torch. The weight of failure will fall on the shoulders of younger generations. It is unproductive to have every generation restarting from the beginning when trying to build culturally.

The elders must learn flexibility and adjust not to the trends, but to how younger generations are receiving the message. Communication is about both parties knowing when to talk and when to listen. Active listening and positive speech are just the foundations of communication. Comprehension and critical thinking will take communication another level.

I believe each generation has a job to do, yet it is on the elders to recognize how they are raising their children. Parents have to become more accountable to both their children and the community. Raising a child doesn’t mean you will have all the answers, but you will have the courage to allow the right ones to be discovered.

The youth’s main responsibility is to challenge the laws of tradition with respect so that they may truly embody it. Younger generations must experience the wisdom elders share before they can comprehend the depths of its meaning.

In the end, both elders and the youth must realize they are both needed and valuable. Eventually, without each other’s contributions the culture will experience a lack of growth in their community. The next time you see a younger person behaving in a manner unfitting to the moment, don’t be afraid to speak with authority about the love you have for their future.



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Jacquel Ward
Jacquel Ward
I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. Growing up in an era(the 1980s) where families and communities suffered many tragedies and traumas, I was no exception. The path many children took involved dangerous outcomes and possible life-threatening decisions. At a young age, I could adapt which allowed me to avoid pitfalls early. However, as we grow, life can be a bit daunting and overwhelm anyone. Facing many challenges, I attended the public school system where I was introduced to my first piece of creativity. “Goodnight Moon,” a book that allowed young people to feel the warmth of saying goodnight. Upon reaching high school I began to explore the many different forms of creativity from music, art, and creative writing. This would consume me over the next two decades. From making beats to writing stories, I felt a strong desire to craft material which inspired young people. As a father and husband, though struggles persist, the lessons learned have allowed me to share through my creative literary works continually. Life isn't a destination along a path, life is the path


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