HomeEntertainmentHolidaysHow To Find Your Wife the Perfect Christmas Gift

How To Find Your Wife the Perfect Christmas Gift


This article is a little spin on the traditional “What do I buy my wife for Christmas?” posts. The economic inflation we are experiencing is creating an arduous effort for us to maintain our bare necessities like gas, food, and bills, let alone, expensive gifts. So, how do you shop for a thoughtful, affordable, or sentimental gift for your wife? I’ve compiled a list of precise tips to ensure you select the perfect gift(s) her. 

Think about how low is too low for your gift budget. 

We are trying to get a thoughtful gift that is a reasonable ‘spend’:

  • Not priced above what you can afford (ie. no payments, not a budget breaker that will leave you recovering for a few paychecks). 
  • Not so cheap to where it can seem like little effort was involved in your gift giving. 

Remember, the perfect gift is thoughtful, affordable, and sentimental or a need/want. Focusing on these categories will get you one step closer to getting your better half the right present. 

Go the thoughtful route

Think about the last few times your wife bought something extra for herself. Was it home decor, candles, perfume, or shoes? If you have children, think about the last time she got a break from motherhood to recharge by herself. Thoughtful gifts are a great way to say ‘I love and appreciate you’ while showing her that you notice her even if she thinks you don’t. 

Some great gifts with those questions in mind can range from:

  • Gift cards to her favorite stores. 
  • A gift certificate to a day spa. 
  • A piece of jewelry like a necklace or bracelet. 
  • Something fancy for ‘her’ kitchen, like this super-luxe charcuterie set
  • A bath tray for those moments she needs to escape to relax.

Thoughtful gifts consider your wife’s individual wants and needs, so refrain from getting anything that will be deemed ‘useful’ to the family as a whole or will help her remain efficient as a mom. As women, we need to be able to enjoy something for ourselves and a gift that brings us that kind of peace is as thoughtful as it gets without breaking the budget.  

Still clueless about what to get? Shop with the company that has that covered for you! 

There are companies that do all of the thinking for you and curate glamorous pre-filled luxury gift boxes that your wife is sure to love! One of my favorites is BOXFOX, a ready-to-ship gift curation company that packages themed gift boxes with items ranging from spa products to candles and lace robes. You can select from their ready-to-ship boxes or create your own box by selecting from their wide range of products. 

Want to add a personal touch? You can have a personalized note added to the gift box for extra attention to the details. This is a perfect option for the not so savvy gift buyers and doesn’t require you to wrap a gift either. Most boxes start at $40 so it’s also a cost-effective gift option. 

Ask her to create a Pinterest board with her Christmas list 

She knows Christmas is around the corner and is already expecting a gift, so why not get her in the holiday spirit even more by having her create a Pinterest board for her Christmas wish list? She can share the board with you and add to it so you can see what she wants and also order online and see prices to help you stay within budget. 

Things to expect to see in her Pinterest board include: 

  • Shoes
  • Jewelry
  • Outfit inspiration
  • Handbags 
  • Home decor 
  • Candles 
  • Beauty/cosmetics 
  • Books
  • DIY Ideas 

Pinterest is my favorite tool to recommend to husbands looking to shop for the perfect gift. It eliminates the guesswork, allows you to create a budget, and gets you to focus on what you KNOW she wants. Plus, it’s a good way to keep tabs on her future gifting wants for birthdays, Valentine’s Day and other spur of the moment gift giving occasions. 

Remember, it’s the thought that counts

Don’t overthink it! This list of affordable ways to get the perfect Christmas gift is all you need to show your romantic gesture to the lady in your life. She will appreciate the effort, the gift, and knowing that you cared to pause and consider what she finds valuable. 

Happy Shopping, Fellas!



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Briana Laurant
Briana Laurant
My name is Briana Laurant and I am a wife, mother, and freelance writer. I enjoy writing pieces that allow for self reflection and improvement while giving readers a chance to connect with me. When I’m not writing, you can find me cooking, watching a good movie, or home decor shopping! Thank you for reading and may your marital life thrive!


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