HomeBeautyBlack Skin CareCan Black People Get Sunburn?

Can Black People Get Sunburn?


Summer is approaching and that means that many of us are beginning to spend more time in the sun. During this time of the year, you may also begin hearing horror stories from your classmates or coworkers about their experiences with sunburn.

In black households you will rarely hear people complain of sunburn. This is because, black people are statistically less likely to get sunburn. Yes, black people can get sunburn, just not as likely as those of other ethnic backgrounds.

What is sunburn?

Sunburn is essentially an external reaction to sun damage. The alternative reaction is tanning.

When black people are exposed to sunlight, the melanin in our skin will cause us to darken or “tan.” For those with less melanin, unprotected sun exposure can cause their skin cells to become red and swollen; this is referred to as sunburn.

Sunburn and tanning are both the result of cellular damage caused by excessive sun exposure.

Does the lower risk of sunburn mean that you do not have to wear sunscreen?

Absolutely not! Sunscreen is essential no matter what your skin-tone, because the purpose of sunscreen is to protect your skin from sun damage and most importantly, skin cancer.

The damage that we experience from excessive unprotected sun exposure can lead to skin cancer. For this reason, it is important for us all to use sunscreen and take steps to protect our skin from the sun.

What are the best sunscreens for black people?

Despite any marketing to the contrary, there is no specific sunscreen that works best for black people. The important thing is make sure that you find an ingredient that works for your skin, no matter the tone.

If you look at the back of the sunscreens you see on the shelves, you will notice that there are many different active ingredients. These ingredients are what makes the sunscreen work. You may find that some ingredients may not work for your skin.

It is best to try different sunscreens until you find one that works best for you. The important thing to remember is to use a sunscreen that has an SPF of at least 30. The higher the SPF the greater the protection against sun damage.



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Exceptionally Black
Exceptionally Black
My name is Toni, and I am the founder of ExceptionallyBlack.com. I am a mother, wife, and Accountant. I am not a writer, but I am passionate about sharing information that will help those in the African American community. You can learn more about me by reading the "Founder's Blog".


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