Jordan Fargo

My name is Jordan Fargo, and I am a recent graduate from Cornell University, with a Bachelor’s degree in English/Creative Writing and Film. I love writing about fitness, health, and lifestyle topics, as well as family, relationships, and tech products. My main goal with my writing is to create compelling content that can actually make a difference in someone’s life, no matter who they are. Bringing the most difficult times to my life to light and putting them into words can be challenging, but it can also be one of the best forms of healing. I sincerely hope that the stories, feelings, and advice I share in my articles will not just help the Black community (and all of my readers) not just heal from any past trauma, but to also grow and be stronger for the future.
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How to Choose the Best High School for your Black Child

Ahhh, high school. Four years of grueling classes, endless homework, ever-changing friend groups, and even potential romance. It can be unbelievably stressful for most...

Why are Black Students More Likely to Struggle in School?

If you’re a Black parent and have noticed your child struggling in school, then it’s likely that many thoughts quickly crossed your mind. You...

The Benefits of Learning to Swim

There are many key skills that everyone should have, regardless of their age, race, or where they grew up. Having them can be the...

How to Show Your Parents that You Love Them

No matter how old you are, it always feels good to show your parents how much they mean to you. Whether you haven’t seen...

How to Recover from the Loss of a Parent

Having to say goodbye to a parent can be one of the most painful and emotionally challenging experiences one will ever have. Whether it...

Must read

Progress denied?

As February draws to a close, the question remains...

How to Increase Your Credit Score

A poor credit score can significantly hinder your ability...
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