Betweenthe Margins

About the Author - Jacquel Ward

I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. Growing up in an era(the 1980s) where families and communities suffered many tragedies and traumas, I was no exception. The path many children took involved dangerous outcomes and possible life-threatening decisions. At a young age, I could adapt which allowed me to avoid pitfalls early. However, as we grow, life can be a bit daunting and overwhelm anyone. Facing many challenges, I attended the public school system where I was introduced to my first piece of creativity. “Goodnight Moon,” a book that allowed young people to feel the warmth of saying goodnight. Upon reaching high school I began to explore the many different forms of creativity from music, art, and creative writing. This would consume me over the next two decades. From making beats to writing stories, I felt a strong desire to craft material which inspired young people. As a father and husband, though struggles persist, the lessons learned have allowed me to share through my creative literary works continually. Life isn't a destination along a path, life is the path
26 Posts

Progress denied?

As February draws to a close, the question remains whether black history is separate from American history? With the checkered past of America and its...

AI is Here. Can You Tell What’s Real?

Context Matters. Envision a cold winter's day filled with a gray and bleak sky, with the frozen wind howling at your door. Then let me know...

Modern Times, Filled with Modern Issues

The vows of till death do we part no longer apply. They have been replaced with until boredom will I leave. The ceremony of two...

Dreams and Goals. Why every young black child should have both!

A story older than time is that people fail for a lack of imagination and commitment. Growing up in an impoverished community, I often felt...

Dating vs Courting, Causal vs Commitment, What Do Young Black Boys Need to Know Before Choosing Their Romantic Life?

When the words we use reflect the experiences and ideas we gathered over time, how do we know when change is necessary? Living in the...

What’s More Important, Opportunity or Character? Raising Sons as a Black Father.

In modern times there exist many questions. Like grits with sugar or salt, Yankees or Mets. Besides the goodhearted nature of the previous questions, there...

Future Dilemmas Part 3: Using Your Masculinity to Empower Your Manhood

The human experience is both complex and subtle. As a black man in the land of the free and the brave, I often feel caught...

Future Dilemmas Part 2: 10 Ways to Explore Your Masculinity.

Much like anything in life, masculinity has its prerequisites to determining its presence. Over the years and much hardship, I have devised 10 ways for...

Future Dilemmas Pt 1: Masculinity, What Does it Mean to Young Black Men?

Over the years I've come across many opportunities to display my manhood, and what I think it means. The vast pitfalls of societal pressures can...

Stiff Finger: Who is to Blame for the Gap in Communication Between Generations?

When children are born it's an expectation that the parents will lead. When those same children grow to adulthood, they are to lead their lives...

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