HomeMarriage & FamilyParentingAre Your Kids Ready for a Dog?

Are Your Kids Ready for a Dog?


Owning a dog can be a very enjoyable experience, but it is also a huge responsibility. Many children and adults immediately fall in love with puppies. Their small, cuddly, and adorable nature is hard to resist. But, getting a dog because you like puppies is like having a child because you like babies. It is a very short-sighted reason to own a dog. Parents are often badgered by their children to get dogs because they see them as fun. In this article, we will discuss the many responsibilities of owning a dog and how to determine if your children are ready for this commitment.

A Long-Lasting Commitment

The average lifespan for dogs is 10-13 years, but this can vary depending on the breed, size, and overall health of the dog. Smaller breeds of dogs tend to live longer than larger breeds. For example, a Chihuahua may live for up to 20 years, while a Great Dane may only live for 7-10 years.

Unlike children who grow more independent over time, dogs remain reliant on their owners throughout their lives. Owning a dog means embracing daily walks, ensuring they relieve themselves outdoors, and being responsible for cleaning up after them. This becomes a fundamental part of your daily routine.

Most children will not think about the responsibilities of having a dog. Even if you have a thoughtful conversation with them about these duties, the demands of the work may only become apparent once the dog is a part of the family.

Many children will grow tired of the responsibilities of having a dog, so unless you plan to take over these responsibilities, it is best to avoid bringing a dog into the home, unless your child has demonstrated that they are responsible and committed enough to handle a dog. If your child is lazy or frequently changes interest, you may want to rethink getting them a dog.

The Messy Side of Dog Ownership

Dogs, by nature, can be messy. Depending on your dog’s personality, you might find yourself dealing with a pet that enjoys rolling around in dirt, picking up dead animals, or engaging in behaviors that leave you cringing.

Unless you take delight in having a house filled with dirt and mess, you’ll want to ensure that your dog either avoids these undesirable habits or is bathed at the appropriate intervals.

While you may have seen movies where dogs are effortlessly sprayed down with water hoses or bathed in a bathtub, the reality can be quite different. Not all dogs are enthusiastic about water and bathing, which can turn the task of keeping them clean into a real challenge.

If you have a child who frequently needs reminders to maintain their own hygiene, you may want to think twice before expecting them to clean up after a dog.

A Trained Dog is a Pleasant Dog

A well-behaved dog makes for a much better dog owner experience. If you get a dog at the puppy age, training is very important. If you have a demanding work schedule and cannot devote sufficient time to training, you’ll want to make sure that your children are ready to take on this responsibility.

Consistency is key to successfully training any dog, whether you’re housebreaking or teaching commands. A dog is less likely to respond to training if everyone in the household is not actively participating.

The Botton Line

Welcoming a dog into your family can be a rewarding experience, but it involves a long-term commitment and a substantial amount of work. Before deciding to bring a dog into your home, carefully assess whether your child is genuinely prepared for the responsibility.



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Exceptionally Black
Exceptionally Black
My name is Toni, and I am the founder of ExceptionallyBlack.com. I am a mother, wife, and Accountant. I am not a writer, but I am passionate about sharing information that will help those in the African American community. You can learn more about me by reading the "Founder's Blog".


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