HomeEditor's PicksA Black Person's Guide to Being a Good Neighbor

A Black Person’s Guide to Being a Good Neighbor


Whether you are a homeowner or a renter, being a good neighbor is essential to playing your part in keeping your neighborhood beautiful and welcoming.

Let’s be honest with ourselves for a moment, Black people, we have a reputation, and it isn’t a good one. While some stereotypes exist, there are valid concerns about how we behave as neighbors that need to be addressed.

However, before I get into how to be a good neighbor, I think that I should first address the “why”.

Why Should You Be A Good Neighbor?

Property values are directly affected by the quality of the neighborhood. Most people generally want to live in a community that is quiet and free of crime. I’m sure that you most likely share this sentiment. The last thing you want to deal with while trying to sleep is someone keeping you up with loud music.

When a neighborhood is undesirable, people with higher standards tend to move out. Some people refer to this reaction as “white flight” or “black flight.” Whatever moniker you choose to use, this is usually the beginning of the decline of many once-vibrant neighborhoods. The only ones willing to move in will be those who are tolerant of poor behavior or contributors to it.

Good neighborhoods attract diverse people and businesses. Businesses create jobs. When companies migrate to certain areas, the economy in those areas will thrive. The opposite happens when businesses leave.

When a neighborhood is bad, small businesses that can leave will leave, and people will go with them. Small businesses are essential to communities because they provide access to services many of us need.

In some cases, a neighborhood can get so bad that even large businesses leave. This departure of companies has a negative domino effect on the impacted communities.

Now that we have covered the importance of being a good neighbor. Here are some things that we can do to keep our neighborhoods inviting.

Maintain Your Yard

Curb appeal is one of the most recognized features of real estate. An article on Realtor.com suggests that high curb appeal can increase a home’s value by up to 7%.

Keeping the lawn mowed and free of weeds is a bare minimum of lawn maintenance. However, if you are a homeowner, you may want to take the extra step of adding some additional decorative landscaping.

Here are some things to keep in mind in regards to yard maintenance:

  • Keep your yard free of debris.
  • Make sure that your trash bins are in the proper location during trash day.
  • Ensure that your trash lids are completely closed on trash day.
  • Keep yard decorations to a minimum.

Respect Your Neighbor’s Lawn

If you have children or pets, it is important that you respect the neighbor’s lawns. Do not allow your children to run around in the neighbor’s yards or, even worse, ride their bike’s through it. Teach them early on to respect the boundaries of the properties around you.

Clean up after pets and make sure your children do too

Adults are aware of the rules regarding pet waste, but children often need reminders. If your child(ren) will be walking your dog, remind them of the importance of picking up after their pets. Even if your neighbors are dog lovers, they don’t want to step on some other dog’s waste.

Keep the Noise to a minimum

Whether you are driving around in the neighborhood or enjoying music in the comfort of your home, be respectful of how the noise level will affect others.

One of the joys of homeownership is having a little bit more leeway in the amount of noise you can make than if you were in an apartment. However, this doesn’t mean that you can be as loud as you want to. You should still respect your neighbor’s peace and avoid playing music that is loud enough for them to hear.

Lend a Hand

Lend a hand to your neighbors whenever you can. If you have elderly neighbors, cut the grass from time to time or shovel snow if they haven’t had a chance to do so. It is not a requirement to hang out or make friends with your neighbors, but it is good to let people know that you care.

Don’t Contribute to the Crime

This is a no-brainer, but must be said. Don’t bring crime into your neighborhood. There are many different types of crime, so we must be mindful of them all. While not stealing or selling drugs in your neighborhood are the most obvious crimes you should avoid. What about violence? Domestic violence and child abuse are crimes. The constant loud fights or police calls will have a negative impact on your neighborhood.

If your relationship is causing violence it is important for you to seek help. While it will help you be a good neighbor, it is most important for your own health and well-being.

The Benefits of Being a Good Neighbor

If we all do our part in being good neighbors then our communities would be a better place. Our neighbors would be more inviting to businesses and good people. Additionally, when you show yourself to be a good neighbor, other neighbors will often look out for you. Good neighborhood relationships are great crime deterrents.

More importantly, being a good neighbor allows us to begin diminishing the negative stereotypes that people have about us. “White flight” may become less of an issue if we show that we can be positive additions to our communities, instead of negative ones.



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Exceptionally Black
Exceptionally Black
My name is Toni, and I am the founder of ExceptionallyBlack.com. I am a mother, wife, and Accountant. I am not a writer, but I am passionate about sharing information that will help those in the African American community. You can learn more about me by reading the "Founder's Blog".


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