Editor's Picks

Teaching Your Daughter to Love Her Natural Self

In today's digital age, social media and influencers have become powerful forces in shaping beauty standards. Each day, our daughters are bombarded with perfectly filtered images and carefully crafted...

A Black Person’s Guide to Used Car Buying

Owning a car provides flexibility and convenience that you cannot get from public transit, carpooling, or even riding...

4 Things I Wish Someone Told me About Credit Cards

There are four main things that I wish someone had told me about credit cards years ago. To...

A Black Person’s Guide to Being a Good Neighbor

Whether you are a homeowner or a renter, being a good neighbor is essential to playing your part...

Renting or Buying – Which is Right for You?

There is a lot of controversy surrounding the topic of renting vs. buying. You will find many articles...

A Black Person’s Guide to Used Car Buying

Owning a car provides flexibility and convenience that you cannot get from public transit, carpooling, or even riding a bike. However, Rising vehicle prices...

Abuse Disguised a Discipline – Is it Okay to Whip (Whoop) your Child?

I have very vivid childhood memories of my siblings being "whooped" by my mother. Belts to the butt, tree branches to the arms and...

Breaking the Chains of Addiction: My Uncle’s Journey to Sobriety

My Uncle's Addiction I can still see the sadness and misery that my uncle felt when taking narcotics. His life was governed by incessant desires,...

Forgiveness or Retaliation? The Art of Mastering Self-Care

The greatest gift someone can offer is the gift of forgiveness. For an individual to practice mercy over wrath is believed to be divine....

Martin Luther King Jr’s “I have a Dream” Speech – Full Text

On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous "I have a Dream" speech. Despite learning about the speech in school, I...

My Strong, Independent Black Mother: A Tribute

Few things are as moving and uplifting as the tale of a strong, independent Black mother who raised her kids alone. One such woman...