HomeCareer & BusinessCareer8 Tips to Create Work-Life Balance

8 Tips to Create Work-Life Balance


Getting a job as a young person is a dream start to life; you get the chance to build your career and finances, build relationships, and achieve the goals you set for yourself. But jobs can take a significant portion of your life; if you work a typical 9-5, you spend 8 hours daily at work, and depending on your location and transport arrangements, an hour or more transiting to and from your job.

Although the remote and hybrid work adoption has made things better, many people find it difficult to balance their lifestyle and work. If this is you, the tips in this article will help you achieve that balance. But first, check out the core principles of a healthy work-life balance:

  1. Boundaries: your work and lifestyle must have distinct boundaries so one does not overlap the other always. Define your work hours and separate the hours for your activities. This ensures you can give full attention to both areas and enjoy what you do. Job dissatisfaction often begins with a blurred line between your job and life.
  1. Flexibility: this is the ability to adjust your lifestyle and off-work activities to accommodate changes in your work schedule without impacting the quality of your work or overtly impacting your life.
  1. Stress management: you must have a system or strategy to deal with work-related and non-work-related stress. These could be engaging in physical activities, taking breaks, and dress management programs.
  1. Time management: this is an effective use of time by prioritizing and organizing activities for maximum time allocation and engagements.

Based on these principles, these eight tips will help you achieve balance faster:

1. Change Your Mentality

A shocking percentage of workers hate their jobs and are only in it for reasons ranging from pay to difficulty in getting other jobs. If you have a poor work-life balance, it could be because you dislike or resent your job. The solution? Work on your mentality. Having a positive mentality about your job, workplace, colleagues, and the process will increase your overall disposition. 

2. Set a Realistic Schedule

Much of your work-life balance revolves around your daily schedule; if you fix it right, you can have the best of work and your free time. Since most jobs have fixed hours, you’ll need to work more in your free time. Scheduling non-work activities for maximum efficiency. Take a notepad this weekend and work out the hours for all activities, ranking them on a priority list.

Some things to consider are your regular or daily activities, allowance for emergencies and impromptu activities, and activities that help you relax and advance your knowledge.

3. Reward Yourself

Job-related burnout is a real cause of imbalance between your job and lifestyle. You can avoid this by rewarding yourself with short vacations or trips, buying a gadget, or spending time doing the things you love. The key is to take time or attention off work for short periods to keep your vigor. You can trick your mind to remain fresh and eager for each workday when you reward yourself. You don’t have to splurge big to achieve this; a picnic right in the middle of a tough work week could be the difference you need.

4. Build Human Connections

Unless you are a robot, human connections will help you stabilize your work-life activities in some way. You don’t have to pander to anyone or even become close friends (though that works, too), but try to connect with your colleagues on the job and even off work. You can share knowledge and support one another.

5. Improve Your Skills

Improving your skills and qualifications could get you promoted faster, and you may end up working fewer hours. This could free up more time for you and increase your income, so you have extra money to fund your lifestyle. No matter how busy you are, ensure you spend at least an hour daily studying new things related to your skills so you can make massive progress in your career.

6. Leverage Technology

Technology should make your life better, not more complicated. When effectively used, software and devices can significantly improve your efficiency and help you achieve a stable work-life balance. You can deploy technology to perform repetitive tasks, giving you more time for other activities. You could also use specific equipment to improve your output at work.

But beyond work, technology can also help your lifestyle. Dozens of devices enhance the quality of life, making your work-life balance much better. Whether you are spending time with your loved ones, traveling, or being entertained, leverage technology to make your life better!

7. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a concept that means being fully aware of your state and concentrating on the task at hand. This is an incredibly powerful tool to help you balance your life and work. Practice keeping your attention on what you do: communication, work, leisure, study, etc. Ensure your thoughts are centred on the activity so you can get the best results. Mindfulness is becoming popular among high-achievers for a good reason.

8. Consider Switching Careers

If your job is taking everything from you, it might be time to consider another job that allows you to manage your health, time, and finances better. You can switch to a less demanding job within your industry or learn new skills and move to a different sector. Moving to a new job can be difficult, but you can do it with careful planning and networking. 


Creating the right work-life balance is crucial to getting job satisfaction and giving your best to your work and family. You deserve the best of both worlds, but you’ll only get it when you proactively create it. While it may look daunting at first, the tips in this article can help you master this skill consistently and supercharge your work life for maximum efficiency.



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Paul Anderson
Paul Anderson
An enthusiastic writer whose purpose is to change the world with helpful and accurate content.


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