HomeMarriage & FamilyMarriage5 Ways to Say "I Love You" to Your Spouse

5 Ways to Say “I Love You” to Your Spouse


Marriage can become boring and routine very quickly if either spouse stops making an effort to keep the spice up. You and your spouse should strive to savor moments of passion – afterall, the world we live in is stressful. It’s a comforting feeling, a peace that comes with being reminded that your spouse loves you.

Acts of love don’t need to be complicated. Here are 5 ways you can show your spouse love:

  1. Set aside time to connect without devices: We live in a digital age filled with distractions and external stimuli that can subconsciously cause us to forget to live in reality. Unplug and dedicate quality alone time as often as your schedules will allow. Spice things up with some couple card games or plan a romantic ‘just because’ vacation if you can afford it. Communication is vital to a healthy relationship. You never know what’s truly going on in their life until you talk about it.
  2. Do something with your other half that feeds into their personal interests: Are you down with whatever for your spouse? No matter how boring or uninteresting you find their hobbies or interests, partaking in activities that they personally enjoy is a great way to show your love for them! My husband is a proud Harley-Davidson enthusiast and passionate about his salt-water aquariums. I am not a huge fan but I enjoy seeing him smile about his favorite pastimes and it’s an amazing way to build on our bond. Likewise, he knows that I find joy in being at home watching a good movie or shopping for home decor and he doesn’t hesitate to join me so we can spend time together.
  3. Do an act of service: Have you noticed your significant other seeming a little tense lately? Even as life partners our individual responsibilities can cause us to lose sight of the help we have within one another. Offer to run a few errands for them or give them a night off to relax and regroup. Nothing says “I love you” more than seeing a need and making the honest effort to meet the need. If an act of service is their love language, this is a great way to restore the belief that you care about them.
  4. Pick a random day to surprise them with a gift: Receiving gifts is another act of love that your spouse might find appreciation in. Gift giving requires a level of thought that shows how much you pay attention to their interests. The gift can be something as small as a surprise Doordash from their favorite restaurant to brighten their hectic day or getting them tickets for an event they’ve been dropping hints about. No matter how big or small, it’s the effort and the symbolic nature of the gift that counts.
  5. Compliments go a long way: A compliment goes a long way in a marriage. Between kids, no time to exercise, and just getting older, it’s easy to allow months or days to go by just living in the routine and forgetting the excitement you used to get by just thinking about your significant other. How amazing is it to still feel sexy and confident in the eyes of your spouse? Take notice of changes; hairstyles/cuts, new outfit, new perfume or cologne… these small changes can be their way of trying to remain attractive to you. Plus, compliments add a boost of energy into your day to day life.

Marriage is a sacred bond of love between two individuals, but remember, it is so easy to lose sight of the excitement that was once there in the early days. It takes a joint effort to keep the flames of intense love burning and when it’s all said and done, we all just want to be valued, seen, and heard by our spouses. Intimacy is so much more than sex, date nights, and saying “I love you.” Love is an action that knows no bounds and can be done in so many unique and thoughtful ways.

How will you develop a deeper intimacy with your spouse after reading this article?



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Briana Laurant
Briana Laurant
My name is Briana Laurant and I am a wife, mother, and freelance writer. I enjoy writing pieces that allow for self reflection and improvement while giving readers a chance to connect with me. When I’m not writing, you can find me cooking, watching a good movie, or home decor shopping! Thank you for reading and may your marital life thrive!


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